Leadership Team
Dear St. Thomas & St. Timothy Families,
Many people have commented on the strengths and the need for Catholic education in our society. Our Catholic schools have been described as “true treasures in the life of our Church ''. I have had the pleasure of witnessing those treasures from the first days of my education. We, at St. Thomas & St. Timothy School, have been a leader in the evolution of Catholic education in the Archdiocese of Hartford. From the years of the depression and the building of St. Thomas the Apostle Parish and School through the era of growth and the establishment of St.Timothy Parish and Middle School, West Hartford, and area families were served faithfully by the Sisters of Mercy, Ursuline Sisters and the dedicated lay ministers of faith and education.
A new kind of growth occurred 5 years ago with the merger of our schools’ philosophies and administrative structure. This courageous plan led to an even more courageous step forward with the merger of our parishes. With the guidance of our Finance Committees, School Boards, parish members, and pastors, we offer our families opportunities to engage in strong and supportive communities in the light of faith. Thank you for your role in our continued success.
We have ushered in the new year with the updates to our FACTS communication and reporting system. Meetings with faculty and staff continue as we shift to ensure that we meet the needs of our students, staff, and teachers. Together, we are planning the schedules, curriculum approaches, and homeroom structures for the new year. Our Home and School Board is engaged in plans that will support and encourage the community. I invite you to stay up-to-date with all the happenings that are planned. Staff changes are being processed. New staff members are being made welcome, so they too can experience the sense of community before they begin their work with our students. Our returning teachers never stop thinking about what more they could do and how they can make their instruction time more meaningful for their students.
As you continue to enjoy your summertime fun, please keep our school family in mind for referrals so we can continue to welcome families to this loving and supportive community.
Best wishes for a peaceful and blessed summer,
Colleen DiSanto
Kimberly Kownacki
Associate Principal